A pep talk for our troops in Iraq on 3/19/03 Some tracers are yellow, Some tracers are red. Soon the war will be over, Saddam will be dead. George Bush will give freedom To the people of Iraq. How many will die for it? Who gives a fuck! For men are like grass: More you cut -- more they grow, It will be so good For our wonderful Dow Jones Industrial average, Your and my pension plans; We'll have cheap gas aplenty For our oversized vans, Fuel for planes, fuel for tanks, Fuel for ships, oil for heat. You say what? Global warming? Oh, who gives a shit! Let us live for today, Let the world go to hell, Let them preach, let them scream, Let them sob, let them yell. We have power -- we rule, We don't care, let them suck Our dicks, we'll enjoy it, We don't give a fuck!